Friar Galvão's Pills
We know of two cases in which there was danger of death that gave origin to the "Friar Galvão's Pills". One involved a pregnant woman and the other a boy who had trouble with calculus in his kidneys. In both case, Friar Galvão could not personally help those with needs, but he wrote short prayers in Latin, cut it up in small pieces which he then rolled into balls which looked like pills.
Both the boy and the pregnant woman and her child were salved, thus giving birth to the fame of his "pills", causing great faith to be put in him by his followers.
"Pos partum, Virgo, Inviolata permansisti! Dei Genitrix, intercede pro nobis" (After the birth, oh Virgin, you remained untouched. Mother of God, pray for us), was the prayer which he had written on the paper.
Since the first case involved an expectant mother, and the prayer referred to Mary giving birth, Friar Galvão became commonly known as the patron saint of expecting mothers.